Some porcelain earrings

The fabrication of costume jewellry
Porcelain earrings.
I started simply, without really thinking about it.
It’s the evening, I have just taken a whole host of many-coloured porcelain beads out of the kiln. There they are, in a muddle on the table, and I sit down and play at sorting them out. What it is, I’m looking for shapes, shaped beads, something innovative and new. There is a notepad next to me and a pencil, so I start drawing. I’m soon losing myself in ornate designs, and then it’s night time and I get up and leave the workshop, leaving on the table the pile of half-sorted beads, a few threading attempts, the notepad and the pencil.
I must say that I don’t draw well. Modelling figures out of clay, my hands quickly find the line, the proportion, it’s easy. But when it comes to drawing, what’s on the paper rarely ressembles what I had set out to draw.
So the next day, on coming across the notepad, I see something else and this something else is far more interesting than what I had imagined the day before. From there on it all starts happening and I pick up some clay.
Follows on a succession of experiments, and my production of earrings is born. Articulated figures made of porcelain beads each expressly made for a particular model. And then flower corollas…
Today they are viewable and on sale at l’Atelier, at 36 Quai des arts in Niort and on the Etsy site.
One action leading to another, other jewellry pieces are in the pipelines !